Airport Deicer & Concrete Anti-icing Snow melting or Thawing Agent Deicer Sodium Acetate Granules Manufacturers
Supplier, Manufacturer, Exporter of Airport Deicer n Snow melting Sodium Acetate, Muby Chemicals of Mubychem Group, established in 1976, is the original manufacturers of Specialty Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Excipient, Fragrance Food & Flavor chemicals, Reagent Grade Chemicals, Shale Gas Fracturing Chemicals in India. Mubychem Group has several manufacturing facilities spread across Western India and world wide contacts and toll manufacturers. We are exporting globally to countries like USA, Canada, Europe, UAE, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Turkey, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Dubai, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, China, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal etc.
The products are offered as per required specifications and in correct shape and size in mm or meshs or microns as specified by the buyer.
The participating units have one or more accreditations like FDA - cGMP and GLP approval, ISO-9001 Certified, "REACH" Registered, ISO-14001, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO-22000, FSSC 22000, ISO 45001, Kosher Certified, Halal Certified, HACCP, FSSAI. We offer Commercial Pure & IP BP EP Ph Eur USP NF JP FCC Food Grade Analytical Reagent Grades of Chemicals
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We serve it all.Specifications, Safety Data Sheet, Manufacturing process details, Wholesale retail prices, Uses etc available on these pages for Airport Deicer & Concrete Anti-icing Snow melting or Thawing Agent Deicer Sodium Acetate Granules.
For MSDS Sheet Click
MSDS Sheet of Deicing of Airport and Concrete, Bio friendly Anticorrosive Snow Melting Thawing Anti Icing Agent ManufacturersChloride Free Snow Melting Agent Deicer Sodium Acetate Granules
Snow Melting Anti icing Deicing Thawing Suppliers
De-icing is defined as removal of existing, snow ice, frost, etc., from a surface. It includes both mechanical (plowing or scraping) or chemical (application of salt or other ice melting chemicals) methods.
Anti-icing is defined as the pretreatment of a roadway, sidewalk or parking lot with ice melting chemicals before a storm, to prevent or delay the formation of ice, or the adhesion of ice and snow. Brine or wetted salt is usually applied shortly before a snowstorm arrives. Properly performed, anti-icing can significantly reduce the amount of salt required, and allows easier removal by mechanical methods (snowplows).
For a general write-up on Deicer or Snow melting (thawing) or Anti ice please scroll down.
Non Chloride Corrosion Inhibiting Airport & Concrete Deicer Snow Melting or Thawing & Anti Icing Agent, XtraTM Deicer Sodium Acetate.
Product Details:
CAS No. 127-09-3 Einecs EC Number 204-823-8 MF CH3COONa Molecular Weight 82 Appearance Free-flowing White granule (1.5mm to 4.5mm) Mesh Size >90% passes through 4 US mesh(4 BSS) and <10% passes through 14 US Mesh (12 BSS) i.e. 1.5mm to 4.5mm Bulk density untapped around 0.5 to 0.55gm/cc 31 to 34 lbs/cu.ft Purity 97% Moisture <3% pH of 15% Solution in water 7 – 10.5 Chlorides Cl <250 ppm Heavy metals as Lead Pb <10ppm Flash Point >250C Added corrosion inhibitor Offered with and without added inhibitor Packaging Details: 25kg/bag (55 lbs),50kg/bag (110 lbs), or in Jumbo bags or according to the customers' requirement Product Description
Xtra TM Deicer Sodium Acetate Deicer or Anti-ice or Snow melting Snow thawing agent is made of organic salts for melting the ice and snow in airstrip, parking apron and taxiway...
Snow Thawing Agent for Airport is researched and approved environment-friendly snow-melting agent for melting the ice and snow in airstrip, parking apron and taxiway in very short time. It is in accordance with standard of AMS1431D.
Xxtra TM Sodium acetate Snow-Melting, is researched and developed as one new kind of environment-friendly snow-melting agent for melting the ice and snow in airstrip, parking apron and taxiway in very short time. Sodium acetate and calcium magnesium acetate are dry, non-corrosive and biodegradable snow removal chemicals. The chemicals change snow from a firm powder into a slush. It can save energy and time. This dry formulation is used on bridges, parking decks and airport runways. It does not attack rebar in reinforced concrete and is biodegradable, creating no problems in runoff water. Acetates are commonly used in structural concrete, parking garages, and airports where chlorides are banned due to the corrosion potential to aircraft systems.
Studies of corrosion testing by the USA Federal Highway Administration, State departments of transportation and University studies confirm that sodium acetate is the best deicer for airports, parking areas etc.
1, Weight per cubic meter: 800 kg/cu.m. approximate.
2, Aquatic Toxicity: It is in accordance with the EPA (40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 797.1300 and 797.1400) or OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals, Method 202 and 203).
3, Pollution: It is in accordance with the regulations of (Standard Method for Examination of Water and Wastewater) from USA.Ramp and runway deicers should be certified to airport approved specifications. SAE-AMS1431, "COMPOUND, SOLID DEICING/ANTI-ICING RUNAWAYS AND TAXIWAYS", was adopted on 23-JAN-95 for use by the Department of Defense (DoD). It Specifies BOD, TOD, biodegradation, Aquatic Toxicity Trace Contaminants Appearance, pH, Flash Point, Chloride Content, Storage Stability, Effect on Aircraft Metals, Runway Concrete Scaling Resistance etc. Sodium Acetate fits these specifications.
Sodium Acetate is environmentally friendly. It does not harm plant and aquatic life. It has BOD of 0.45gm Oxygen/gm and COD of 0.74gm Oxygen/gm. It has a very negligible effect on aquatic life as indicated by Daphnia magna, static system 48-hour LC50 = 3500 mg/l. It is tolerated by mammals as indicated by LD50 (oral-rat) 3530 mg/kg; LD50 (SCU-mouse) 8000 mg/kg; LD50 (IV-mouse) 335 mg/kg; LC50 Inhalation - rat - 1 h - > 30,000 mg/m3; LD50 Dermal - rabbit - > 10,000 mg/kg.
Xtra Sodium Acetate may be used both as an anti iceing and as deicer. Xtra Sodium Acetate is required to be spread at the rate of around 25gm/sq.m or 0.5lb/100 sq .ft for ice at freezing point 0C or 32F. It is advisable to apply it as an anti iceing or deicer just before the storm. This will prevent the ice bonds from.
You will need to apply again when new accumulation shows first tendency to bond and plow once bond is broken. It will save a lot of labor if we apply Deicer and plowgh away before the ice bond is formed.
Storage & Handling
Sodium Acetate must be stored in leak proof bags. Check for the condition of the bags on receipt and do provide a double cover to a torn bag. Avoid exposure to moisture and heat.
Sodium acetate anhydrous has a tendency to loosely stick to one another during storage. If the material in the bags is lumpy, then lift the bag and drop it a couple of times to loosen it. Sodium Acetate is not an environmental issue and it can be used for deicing anti-icing, even if it is exposed to moisture and caked.
Deicing Anti icing, Snow melting thawing General Information
De-icing of roads has traditionally been done with salt, spread by snowplows or dump trucks designed to spread it, often mixed with sand and gravel, on slick roads. Sodium chloride (natural raw common salt) is normally used, as it is inexpensive and readily available in large quantities. However, salt is workable for snow melting up to −9C or 15F, it is of no help when the temperature falls below this point. It also has a strong tendency to cause corrosion, rusting the steel used in most vehicles and the rebar in concrete bridges. More recent snow-melters use other salts, such as calcium chloride and magnesium chloride, which not only depress the freezing point of water to a much lower temperature, but also produce an exothermic reaction. These too contain chloride ions, with a tendency to corrode steel.
More recently, organic compounds have been developed that reduce the environmental issues connected with salts and have longer residual effects when spread on roadways, usually in conjunction with salt brines or solids. Mixing common rock salt with some organic compounds and magnesium chloride or calcium chloride results in spreadable materials that are both effective to much colder temperatures as well as at lower overall rates of spreading per unit area.
Chemical treatment materials include:
Sodium Chloride (natural raw common salt, NaCl)
Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)
Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2)
Potassium Chloride (KCl)
Sodium Acetate (CH3COONa)
Potassium Acetate (CH3COOK)
Calcium-Magnesium Acetate (C4H6O2Ca and C4H6O2Mg)
Ammonium Sulfate {(NH42)2SO4}
And many others
Temperature Ranges for Snow melting or thawing; Deicer and Anti-icing Chemicals:
Using anti-icer, deicer or snow or ice melting compounds to clear snow and ice from walks, drives, and entries near public buildings a universal practice. To achieve safe surfaces in the shortest time with the least total cost, ice melters are a necessity. Since this item has widespread acceptance, the market attracts a host of suppliers, some genuine and others creating a hype about their product. Many of these products are packaged with no mention of their chemical composition. Some others specifies contents but make erroneous or misleading claims about the products’ abilities, resulting in confusion.
The scientific method of snow melting or ice melting compounds’ effectiveness is the range of temperatures in which it can provide deicing action. The “practical” lowest temperature limits for these materials is defined as effective within 15-20 minutes of application and is listed next to the material. The following table is summarizing all the relevant aspects of a deicer. If you can select a generic chemical, it is better and cheaper than selecting a brand name:
Snow Melting Deicing Chemicals
Name Pros & Cons
Eutectic Temperature and Effective Temperature
Sodium chloride (natural raw common salt) NaCl Keeps sidewalks dry; Corrosive, damages concrete & steel.
(-21C or -6F) and (-9C or 15F)
Calcium chloride CaCl2 Melts ice faster than sodium chloride; Deliquescent. Damages concrete & steel.
(-51C or -60F) and (-29C or -20F)
Magnesium chloride MgCl2 Melts ice faster than sodium chloride; Deliquescent. Damages concrete & steel.
(-33C or -28F) and (-15C or 5F)
Potassium chloride KCl Fertilizer; Damages concrete
(-11C or +13F) and (-4C or 25F)
Urea (NH2)2CO Fertilizer; Damages aquatic life
(-11C or 12F) and (-4C or 25F)
Sodium Acetate CH3COONa Safe for concrete, steel & vegetation
(-22C or -7F) and (-10C or 14F)
Potassium acetate CH3COOK (Anti icing) Safe for concrete, steel & vegetation. Used as Anti icing spray solution.
(-60C or -76F) and (-30C or -22F)
Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) Ca-MgCH3COOH Safe for concrete steel & vegetation; Better for preventing re-icing than as ice remover.
(-28C or -18F) and (-9°C or 15F)
Environmental Aspects
Emphasis has been placed on the environmental impact of ice melters and many studies have been conducted. Virtually all of these studies have concluded that, given the alternative of hazardous conditions, the benefits of ice melters far outweigh their potential disadvantages. However, these concerns should be addressed.
Effect On Vegetation. All deicers or anti icing chemicals have the potential to damage plant life. However, in the amounts recommended for grounds maintenance, the threat to grass, trees and shrubs is minimal.
Effect on Concrete. Many are concerned with deicers’ or snow melting compound’s effects on concrete. Ammonium sulfate will chemically attack concrete. Chlorides will attack the iron bars in concrete and steel in other structures. When the freezing point of water is depressed, the number of freeze-thaw cycles the water goes through can increase. And the expansion of freezing water (hydraulic pressure) can exceed the strength limits of the concrete.
Corrosion: Ice melters can corrode steel in the concrete and in the vehicles moving on it. XtraTM Sodium acetate Snow Melting Agent is researched and developed as a new environment-friendly snow-melting agent for melting the ice and snow in airstrip, parking apron and taxiway in very short time. Sodium acetate and calcium magnesium acetate are dry, non-corrosive and biodegradable snow removal chemicals. The chemicals change snow from a firm powder into slush. It can save energy and time. This dry formulation is used on bridges, parking decks and airport runways. It does not attack rebar in reinforced concrete and is biodegradable, creating no problems in runoff water. Acetates are commonly used in structural concrete, parking garages, and airports where chlorides are banned due to the corrosion potential to aircraft systems.
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